Thanks Sudbury...excerts from Email
...There are several holes with assays pending, we announce assays once the entire hole sample series has been received, and checked for QA/QC, and if there is Cr assays greater than a certain threshold there is much additional assay work that gets completed. Noront has recently decided to release sets of holes for individual targets, as we have been criticized by many that our press releases are much too complicated. This entails waiting for about 5 or 6 complete sets of holes for each target drilled....
Let say we have a drill in each targets, if we waits for 5-6 complete drill assays result, there may be at least another month involved especially the holes get deeper and deeper...
Assume: Drill A ...drill for 300 meters ...5 holes can be a month time
drill for 600meters 5 holes can be 2 months
or assume AT 12 ,we have 2 drilled holes forward to the lab in July, the assays result won't be ready until we have another three additional drill holes assays finished...
may be it is easier to comprehend the news,but as time goes by, if our targets grow and holes drilled deeper , we may need more drills to work on each target to shorten the time cycle for news..