There will be a news release in the next few days providing an extensive update on the Eagles, and drill results received to date. They will explain what has been done, and what they are working on.
Also they will comment on the Blackbirds.
The lack of news over the last month or so, is the result of a change in the way they will report to the market. NN was away most of August, as we know. He met with a number of institutional investors, and they told him the chromite was too complicated for even them. Noront's financial advisors have told them that they need to simplify their explanations of the chrome, and separate the discussions from the news and discussions of the nickel/copper/pge deposits.
Noront's new website, launched yesterday, attempts to make the separation between the Eagles, and the Blackbirds, and further explain the potential of the chrome.
Neil went on to explain that E2 and BB1 are genetically linked (as mentioned in my post the other day, this is very important to know as they track down the magma chamber).
Neil then mentioned, with confidence and conviction and a hint of excitement (my impression) that our Blackbirds have grades that "far exceed" the Kemi mine, and most of the others as well. He said we have "tremendous widths", and when you consider the size we have encountered so far, and put that together with the other chrome finds nearby (SPQ etc.) you realize how big the chrome discovery is. It is "very, very large".
So, the retail investor does not understand the significance of chrome discoveries, neither does the institutional investor, but rest assured that the big miners do. While this complicated mineral may delay our eventual bonanza, it will come.
Holding with confidence (actually picked up a few more).......Canseco