badboybill....I'm racing out for an appointment but didn'twant you to think I ignored you.
McCain/Obama... it's all so complex...and so much election sloganeering going on. Half of Florida is really Democratic (so many retired New Yorkers). It's a toss up, and comes down to which party can do the most for country. We have an enormous deficit etc. and Democrats pledge everything to all households, and the Republicans don't b elieve that class warfare (taxing the upper 1% who pay 60% of the taxes) is the answer, but continue to run huge deficits etc. McCain's choice of Palin is very popular here. Everyone wants change ,and both McCain and Palin are mavericks and might bring excfiting change to Washington. Obama is very charismatic and popular but many fear his lack of executive experience and socialistic leanings. His anti Irag war stance makes him popular indeed.
It's the most exciting race I can remember, and so important. Obama promises change, but many do not know what kind of change. Biden represents the old Wash. establishment in many ways. McCain is a war hero yes, but could b e a loose cannon. Palin is an extraordinary lady and gaining a huge following daily.
I'm rambling and have to run...
I will wait to decide my vote until the debates are over.
Forgive the haste,