And all the Gold Bug Money COOKS out there. Gold as anything more than a Commodity with much intrinsic value for a NARROW segment of SOME societies is but your DREAM. To act as a proxy for Currency in exchange it would have to be controled by GOVERNING BODIES under very strict and universally agreeded (accepted) HUMAN CONVENTIONS. And in order for that to happen you nor anyone else under the CONVENTION would be allowed nor should want to have any of it in your possession. In addition, all sources of the Element (talking about mines here!!!) would have to be under VERY STRICT CONTROL of the GOVERNING BODY!
As anyone who ever looked at the HISTORY of Gold as Currency knows, it dies not lead to stability. Rather, it leads to instability and ruin.
Old Joe
And try NOT to loose any of your Gold. Find a good place to hide or burry it!!!! For me, I'm going for what NOT already got in the ground !