Coswil this is a stressful time for most investors right now and some are trying to make something political of it I guess. I don't see the point myself. I've always felt this board to be more of a team effort and everyone's posts have their own flavour and pose informative information as well as opinion.
I for one feel that TA mixed with good investment input is important here and thats why I've always liked your posts. If people are upset here because things aren't going well at the moment they shouldn't be taking it out on other posters, but rather be working toward making this forum the strongest it can be. We are all in the same we really want it to start leaking in different places?
I for one do not wish Coswil to leave and I'm sure there are many others here that feel the same. Maybe those people should speak up as well. If we keep losing good posters or even make the posters that are good stop posting we're failing on this board and the board will finally lower itself to SH status. That's when the rest of us leave.
Stick around Coswil. We've all had someone take pokes at us at one point in time or another. I hope to see this stock reverse its fortunes soon, but the market may not allow that to happen immediately. It doesn't mean we don't sit in the same predicament until that time. We have to make the most of the bad times until they pass..and they will.
Good luck and God Bless.