Scenario 1: 10% acquisition/BOD replacement attempt by company X complete with smear campaign at very predictable moment in the economy when even "long" posters are questioning management.... supplying the Trojan Horse much needed doubt about management. Has NOT delayed too long in getting news out to the investors, to be taken down by a disgruntled voting mass? Company X looks good selling NOT to a previously turned down Major for a few dollars when X acquired much of their stock around $1
Scenario2: Or have they judiciously waited as long as they could to achieve the greatest tactical advantage, given market conditions? Knowing how the attack would likely come they are now in a position to counter attack, and with this latest news, the timelines have now been accelerated. Company X not knowing what NOT has up their sleeve due to the stealth mode NOT has been in will now be responded to with news of healthy advanced by NOT management thus squelching the attempts at the Trojan Horse takeover. This would account for recent predictions complete with beer bets that NOT would be going to 3.25 or so in the very short term.
Given that NOT has been going around the clock with meetings, allegedly, they must have been preparing for something given that field works must be pretty routine by now. If scenario 2 is to pan out there will most certainly be some excitement coming as NOT BOD will now have to justify their jobs. Some posters here have inside info. I believe. They know who they are.
I'm behind them 100% as NOT didn't give into cheap offers by majors to make a quick buck. They hold investor interest first and foremost with the aim of achieving maximum gain. A new board of directors will most certainly try to make a fast buck as that is the nature of this kind of sleazy effort in this environment. Management of a certain recently sold company demonstrated what could happen to NOT if a new BOD was set up.
Vote for the present BOD. Go NOT go! First time I've ever cheer lead.