Shareholder activism works! What happened at Spider Resources is a perfect example. The proposed reverse split was voted down decisively by active shareholders. Shareholder activism can work again!
Voting online is easy. If any shareholder is concerned about how to do this, please post!
For overseas shareholders, go to your broker! They will help. They certainly helped in the case of SPQ.
Once I receive my AGM package, I will be voting for Richard and his Board. I suggest that it is in the best interests of all retail investors to do the same.
One final point: loyalty is defined differently by a lot of people. In the case of the SPQ vote, some people "turned tail" and sold their shares before the AGM. That was their prerogative. But to those who might be thinking about doing so in this "hostile takeover", think again. SPQ might have seemed small potatoes, but NORONT is the big SPUD.
Shake your head, and vote for Richard!