Good Morning quackaphone.
Thank you for your inquiry. It is possible to insert an image file into your message; all that is required is to drag and drop the image from its html source into the AGORACOM message window (where you type your message). Please follow this link for an example:
Your first step would be to open the source of the image; example:
Press and hold your left mouse button as it hovers above the image. When you move your mouse, the cursor should change into one that resembles a one way street sign.
While keeping the left mouse button held down, move your cursor (in essence the image) into the AGORACOM message window. When the mouse is hovering above the message window simply stop holding down the left mouse button. This will insert the image file into your message.
Lastly you can copy and paste hyperlinks from another browser and into your messages body. Kindly preview your message before final submission to make sure that the hyperlink has been pasted properly and works.
Thanks again for your reply and your contributions within the AGORACOM community.