I recaoo DonnyParks posting the Daily House Positions a few weeks ago and he or someone else posted the TOTAL SELLs atributed to Genuity over a four to six day period ending on Tuseday or Thursday (???) a week or two ago.
Can someone post the Genuity Trading Volumes over the past 4-6 weeks please. I would like to have a close look at them and see if I can tie their Dumping in with their abrupt reversal in Commentary and Investment Status respecting Noront Resources.
Also, for those looking into Legal and Regulatory aspects of the current situation, having a full copy of the Genuity Reports over tha period they have been involved in coverage of Noront Resources may prove to be of assistance if and when considering the Legal and Regulatory Path.
Those who have good facility in analyzing Stock Trading Patterns may also like to contribute by reviewing Genuity's "Trading Record" since getting involved in Noront Resources Coverage.
They clearly made planed Coverage Reversal based on prior trading. Becides giving themselves a BLACK EYE they could have also exposed themselves to more.
Old Joe