Very good report in deed.
I am still looking over the Genuity About Face on their Recommendations respecting Notont Resources and can only think that the actual report was not written by one of the rosseau clowns because it is too well written.
that said, it seems very clear that the writer did not write it on his own either because it is to directin style and frank in tone in comparison to his previous reports on their (genuity) outlook for Noront Resources.
Too bad so many of these MBA types are both incapable of thinking for themselves and unable to do their own work for themselves.
Very sad to see so many poorly Educated (though thoroughly indoctrinated) MBAer types so dependant on being TOLD WHAT TO DO, WHEN TO DO IT, HOW TO DO IT, AND not always for WHO it is they are doing it. Blind ignorance is an excuse but not defensible.
Old Joe