NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)



posted on Oct 20, 2008 05:44PM

God Bless everyone who is helping in their own way to fight this ferocious attack on our company. We will WIN folks because we are united and determined ,and it is a righteous endeavor.

Today I sent the following e-mail to the Director of the OSC.


Mrs. Wendy Dey
Director of Communiations and Public Affairs
Dear Director Dey,
A tragedy is occurring in the Investment World of the Canadian markets ,and has been going on for many months, if not years. As a small shareholder, in a most extraordinary exploration company called Noront Resources, (NOT.v) I have witnessed the unrelenting shorting of this dynamic mining company. A few days ago, unscrupulous outsiders (Rosseau Asset Management) made a final assault to take over the company, and a proxy battle is now in progress. What usually follows is the destruction of corporate assets and the pathetic disregard of shareholders interests. It is a sad story that has been evidenced many times ...the decimation of small exploration mining companies by greedy Hedge Funds and other Manipulators. Naked short selling drives the company's price down to all most nothing, and then greedy operators step in with their co -conspirators to demolish what is left of the targeted company.
This is such an outrage, but the problem is continually overlooked by the authorities. Many have asked repeatedly for an investigation of these practices that are destroying the confidence and participation of investors.
I am a disillusioned investor from Ft. Myers, Florida because of these practices. I plead with you now to take a serious look at the injustice that is occurring. The Canadian investment world is better than this chicanery!
Noront shareholders have been assaulted by this band of greedy outsiders who are attempting to steal from us what is rightfully ours... a company that we have all prized because of the extraordinary leadership of our CEO, Richard Nemis and his team. He has done a brilliant job of exploring, creating and leading what might well become one of greatest mining centers in Canada, if not the world! And we are NOTgoing to let his lifetime of dedication and integrity be stolen from him, or us!
Noront's recent extraordinary discoveries are going to bring fame and fortune to the McFaulds Lake area ,and other areas as well. The government should look into this dishonest trading and manipulation. Noront deserves the right to develop the great Gold/Nickel/Chrome deposits that appear to be there! aA major proxy fight is underway this week between Rosseau Asset Management and his ilk. We are "David", but our hearts are full of admiration for Richard Nemis and we are determined to stand up to "Goliath"!
I hope you will give this matter your serious attention. Please help Noront to fulfill its great potential for the Canadian mining industry.
I'd appreciate hearing from you.
Jacki Jackson
Noront Resources shareholder

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