Refer to yesterday ROF news from SPQ ,Not ,FNC and FWR's Friday news, it seems that we may have a long stretch of CR and few minable NI anomalies within the ROF area. CR is economical viable/minable.
From yesterday Gloriex phone call to the office, there is an indication that we may get finance from banks, and I predict with the support of the First nation friends, government may assist in some ways.
At present,other ROF companies that are drilling include : UC, FNC, Seafields, NRN, SPQ, NOT, BMK, FWR, WSR ( Hawk ?)and some more.
From SPQ news, it seems that ROF companies are not announcing a visual appearance in each hole but rather collectively.
I have to point out that NOT, FWR and SPQ news on holes visual result :even though assays are not done, they have handheld equipment that show immediate result with less discrepancy.
So what will be the future of Noront? I think the most important point is whether we can be sure that we can get finance .
With further discoveries from FWR FNC and SPQ, and/or PRB ,it will reinforce the conditions to borrow money and lower down our initial budget cost.
I was happy that Geoprof asked about the details of the capital costs . From there, we may further understand how we can share the costs with the others.
This voting revolt/ procedures binds us together, hedge fund attack may soon be gone and our management and other ROF cos will work even harder and more deligently towards the final goal.
Thanks again for all the volunteers and all contributors to this forum.