NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: We can hold our heads high

We can hold our heads high

posted on Oct 24, 2008 07:15AM

Hi All,

It has been exactly 15 days since we received news about the dissident proxy and I issued a post entitled "A Call to Arms".

What took place over the next 15 days was nothing short of spectacular. In the face of what seemed to be an insurmountable majority dissident (with a self-professed 40% of the votes to be cast at the AGM), a sleeping bear was awoken in the form of a majority retail ownership group.

In my "Call to Arms", I suggested seven action points to start this fight. There have been many more created since then, the most significant being the volunteer corp initiated by Glorieux.

I thought it might be nice to review our response in light of some of these actions points as we have now reached the official deadline for casting votes. All we can do between now and 10:30 AM October 28 is wait, hope, and pray.

From my original Call to Arms:

"Here is how we can act:

1) Use the proxy votes as has been recommended by many of the regulars on here. Richard may not be perfect but he has been a straight shooter. I trust him with my votes.

This message was delivered immensely through Noront (resending out white proxy forms), Agoracom (multiple news releases) and through thousands of posts by NOT shareholders on the Agoracom board.

2) Until the AGM, I propose that this topic dominate the board. Assays, theories, musings, US markets, elections, and the such are great in times of peace, but we are now at war. Let's use our combined resources to research and communicate what our options are and how we can best support the company at this time.

For 15 straight days the message was never lost. How to vote, the reasons for voting for management, the threat posed by Rosseau, and what is at stake have been the dominant message on the board the last two weeks.

3) If possible, find somebody who knows somebody at a news outlet. Given that Noront is on the TSX-V's top 50 and #1 in mining, then this will make a good story. At the least it might alert a few majors what a small hedge fund is up to.

We received more press coverage on this proxy fight then we had on earlier massive hits from either Windfall or Eagle One. Coverage of this fight was found in outlets such as the Northern Miner, Stockhouse, Financial Post, and FoxBusiness.

4) Save the calls to the office. Richard is likely not sleeping and my guess is that the team is in the War room as we speak. We can call him after the AGM.

From the posts I have read only the regular callers to Richard made a call (thanks for the updates Canseco) and this I believe provided him the time to continue to plan for the fight. Richard is a man who will return every call as he is for the shareholders, no matter how large or small. Thanks for keeping the calls to a minimum.

5) Let's come up with some battle plans given different situations that play out. Plans Bs and Cs should this coup go through. What our our legal rights should dillition take place? There is a lot of experience on this board and the person who normally takes the time to talk to us retailers is being threatened. It is out time to do what we can to protect him and thus us.

While some work was done looking at alternatives, this may be something that will take center stage, if necessary, following the outcome of the vote as presented next Tuesday. At this point the current board has represented our interests and has acted accordingly. If a new board is instated, then you can be assured that every action will be watched in earnest by a motivated group of retail shareholders. There will be no "fast ones" executed while we are here. Anything that smells of unethical or illegal will be contested, even if we have to take up an offering plate for a legal fund. But let's wait until the outcome as this may be a moot point.

6) The pros have already infiltrated the board and we and Agoracom may not be able to keep up as to who is legit or not as the paid pros try to mute our message. If needed, we may have to make plans via an alternative venue, but I promise the key message will always be brought back home to this forum.

What can I say. The bugs came out the first couple of days but were quickly swatted down. Excellent work by all the diligent posters who know an enemy when they see one.

7) Somebody please wake up sleeping CrazyDick. We need everyone on this. Additionally, let's put past differences aside.

CrazyDik awoke!! His posting on his conversation with Irwin impressed the importance of this fight more than any other as we learned of the dissident motives in clearer detail.

I believe we matured as a shareholder base through this. While we have always had a NOT brotherhood and loyal core of shareholders posting throughout the last two years, this unique situation brought a group tighter old and newly posting group of shareholders closer than never before. This is even more dramatic in light of the financial chaos in the world markets, the fall of commodity prices, and and decimation of our share price recently. I believe that many who might have bailed have been encouraged by the show of solidarity on there by all of you.

We have completed the mission of communicating and voting. Remember your participation in these past few days and weeks as being vital in the revolution that may have saved your investment in what still holds to be the most significant resource find since Voisey Bay and Sudbury. The potential of the area, though all of this drama, still holds true.

Hold your heads high this weekend knowing that you gave it your best, and in some cases a super-human best effort. I remember saying that it is a mistake to wake up a Canadian bear in winter. I believe Roussea has felt the bear paws the past few days.

If somehow this dissident hedge fund should take over the board, they can be rest assured that this bear of a collective retail base will do everything it can legally to ensure they work towards the best interests of all shareholders, not just the insiders.

Let's all take a needed rest this weekend, enjoy the few remaining nice days of fall and pray that the investment we have made in this great company holds through this storm and incredible bear market.

Great work everybody!!


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