Canseco: based on the Aurelian fiasco, the Ontario
Securities commission is equivalent to "fraud" -
Anyone is under the impression the small shareholder
may get a fair hearing from the bureaucracy which is
undoubtedly fiannced by our taxes
The OSC have sufficient lawyers to tell you why they
should NOT be involved; these lackeys seem to have
more to gain by catering to the corporate lawyer
fraternity (and it starts here with free luncheons) - afterall
their next job is likely in the industry...
so if you want changes here, the only hope would be
via the politicians - It's a sad situation with the
Canadian Regulator; just ask anyone with stock market
experience from Europe. It generates a cynical laugh
for the Canadian stock circus. Aurleian was the most
recent one and dont hold your breath on Noront. -
with apologies to those who consider this ranting