NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Re: the big 3 in the ROF ...MUST MERGE

I must qualify this. i own shares in all plays mentioned here. This is no bash on any but more like brainstorming for answers.

Freewest will turn out to be much more expensive than .10 cents. That is very conservative when you consider that they have several Kilometers of Chrome which may wind up being much more than we, Noront has. They also have more targets in that block of claims. They may even be sitting on a motherlode.

I do agree there should be an amalgamation but I think Probe should also be included. They have a huge land mass besides having Eagle 1 surrounded!!! Thay also have that vertical block at the North end of FNC and cornering on FWR so they have an excellent chance of holding Chromite as well as VMS, MMS potential.

IMHO SPQ would be in a much better position had they done the reverse split. I hate them but in SPQs cae I believe the sp would not have tanked at that time. There was just too much exitement in the ROF. If SPQ had gone through with the R.S. it would be in great shape now. Similiar to FNC but with hits proven already. The sp would have spiked after the RS. Now there are only 3 ways out for SPQ. A reverse split, a partnership or a mega hit. Otherwise it will be difficult for me to see their sp move very high.

Lets have a look at FWR. Good hits and still drilling but the sp is back to where it usually sits. IMHO they have much more going for them than SPQ since SPQ is using their land as well as the fact that they have so much going for it. Their shares out is up close to 200 million as well. With al they have and all they have going for them, including the fact that they have 2 of the best Geos in the country working for them, great propeerties and ths sp has not been over 50 cents!

FNC hits like FWR did, even chrome hits would spike FNC. Think about it. There is FWR with all those shares with all of those properties, and the hit really did not do much. If FNC hits like that it will go to the moon. The main motivator is the small number of shares out.

If FWR hits some good nickel I think it will move up and find a new level.

Open to discussion.


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