NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Re: Well, if there was a major announcement to come - SUM

If anyone cared to look back and check on how Comments made by Management in various News Releases and Interviews, etc. over the past year (and for Windfall Lake and ALL other specific Properties prior to and since Sept. 2007) have ALWAYS HAD A RING OF FULFILMENT WHEN FIRST RAISED ONLY REQUIRING OFFICIALFINALIZATION, what can be made of the October 21st News Release?

In the first two paragraphs the term "would be" is used. This is a DEFINITIVE TERM "used in auxilliary function in the conclusion of a conditional sentence to express a contingency or possibility".

Given the very consistent RECORD, to DATE, of Noront's Management having met all stated and implied Objectives and Goals, where such were not subject to external influence or interferance (note the Lab difficulties early on this year - not within Managements control, though delt with rather expertly by management anticipation and caution - excellent foresight) and the Legalese with which ALL Management actions and announcements have always been made, this use of "would be" is yet a continuation of this excellent methodical progressive approach to fulfillment of the EXPRESS INTENT of Noront Resources going forward.

Thus, if they say two years, I believe they have this well in hand and have already Planed for meeting the expressly implied commitment.

Thus, with this document (strongly positive PRELIMINARY ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT)in hand (see the Oct.21,2008 News Release, first paragraph) it will be only a matter of HAMMERING OUT the details of the sought for Funding Agreement needed to see this Objective/Goal (Eagle 1 Production) diligently accomplished. PRODUCTION!

Also note the quotation provided by the CURRENT CEO of Noront Resources toward the end of the October 21, 2008 News Release. It, to me, is intended to give FAIR GUIDANCE to NOT only ALL Current Share Holders, but to ALL prospective New Investors and interested On Lookers.

From the October 21th News Release:

" Noront's CEO Richard Nemis is very pleased to report that the positive results of this study show that the direct shipping of high-grade material outlined at Eagle One is viable even at these depressed commodity prices. Mr. Nemis goes on to state that:

"this shows that the Eagle One deposit could support itself (at these depressed prices) and what really excites us is the fact that it brings down the economic thresholds for the other Copper Nickel deposits and chromite deposits that we have discovered over the past 14 months.

While recent worldwide market turmoil due to the sub-prime mortgage fiasco in the U.S. and predicted pending worldwide recession have decimated the public markets, Noront maybe one of the few Junior Mining stocks still holding some of its recent share price gains because of its important mineral discoveries.

We at Noront as shareholders and employees are not happy with our depressed share price. However, management believes that Noront's true value will be better reflected in the future when the markets return to normal levels. Noront is working to further advance other potentially viable Copper-Nickel-PGE and Chromium properties in the McFaulds Lake area and for the benefit of all shareholders. These projects will continue to create additional jobs for Northern Ontario residents and the potential for large tax revenues. We are particularly thankful to the Native communities in Ontario who are very adequately and diligently supplying some of our exploration work force".

These above forward looking statements are the views and objectives of Noront's current management team. "

Old Joe

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