Hey fellow posters.....quite a day.....we're all exhausted so I'll make it short and sweet.
I believe Richard did the best he could given the situation.....if the BOD balance holds and the new CEO is truely independant, then we are in good shape going forward.
BUT just in case, I feel strongly that we should start immediately, to organize the retail for a quick response, should the dissidents try to pull a fast one. It is imperative that they see us on the horizon, ready to act, if we feel our company is threatened.
I fear they may think we will now go away...or...that we are all bark and can't /won't bite. I would sleep a lot better knowing that we have a plan ready to go on a MOMENTS notice. If we have to take time to re-organize, we may be too late.
...'nite ......cheers.....sambone
PS....Thanks to ALL shareholders who attended and those that reported back....THX