Greetings Coz, and Mis...
Interesting debate going on around here today. All of which has a dramatic affect on all of our investment goals as well as our lifestyles. While the discussion seems to have degenerated a little, (calling someone a fanatic), kneejerk reactions to comments really do not produce a very profitable discussion.
End of the world theories and prophetic interpretations abound in this day and age, some even use a lot of data which is true to put forth their calculations. The poor state of the world's economy has certainly ruffled a few feathers and given rise to many convictions that we are living in the last days of society as we know it.
I prefer perhaps a little more balanced approach in that I feel that we may need to adapt to a changing world and that some some of the rules of society will have to change if we are to survive the coming crisises. I need to go out for a bit and would like to read a little more on this later this evening.
All the Best!