willing to put up with the actions of the BOD. If you think for one minute that a 25mill PP is the end of the story then you better think again. If they get away with this then watch out here comes the sale of Windfall, lets assume they decide to sell Windfall for below fair market value to a "corporate friend " of theirs whats to stop them. Then what happens if and when that major shows up, god help us ,do you trust them to get a fair market, we're not dealing with a Richard Nemis here. Also how long do you think John Harvey and James Mungall are going to stay around now that they know the calibre of the BOD.
Lets face it without the checks and balances of a strong retail group of investors these corporations and institutions believe they can get away with almost anything, just ask the shareholders in AUR.
Before I read anymore comments about paranoia let me cut you off at the path, paranoid, you bet I am , paranoid to protect my investment and to make sure I do everything I can to not get screwed.