He is doing well, settling into his new office. He is dissapointed in the PP but more so about the options these guys have given to themselves. However, he does not believe there is much we can do about it.
He is very excited about the hit under E1 though. This has been lost by myself and I believe many on here. This drill result is great and indicates the potential for another E1 but probably bigger under E1 which is what their theory was hoping for. If he was still in charge, he would shut everything down except for 2 drills, have them pound that area, get some news from it, use that news to drive the price up then do another PP but at a more realistic price north of $1, hopefully close to $2 if this turns out to be another E1 type deposit.
But he is no longer in charge...This was the reason we fought so hard to win this proxy battle. Deep down we knew that if we lost, it would not only mean dilution but giving control to the board of Directors and their puppet masters.
Still holding onto my shares but no longer dreaming of $100 per share...