NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: I'm still here! Are you? Time for another roll call...

I am still here though not very often.

Shortly after the AGM I wrote a musing on how things were going to get incredibly boring on here. When you see a news release alerting warrant holders that their warrants are about to expire, this is a whole new level of boring.

I thought it was a nice gesture nonetheless by the co-CEOs as it was their way of saying "we are still here " and less to do with letting people know about warrants. I mean really, those like Sprott who invested millions into Noront two years ago at .50 cents (with these .75 cent warrants) will likely have somebody keeping an eye on warrant expiration. And when share can be bought for .49 cents today, does it really matter. But it was nice to heare something. I will take lame news over no news anyday.

Seeing the NR brought back memories of two years ago when we hit the big one with hole 06-100 at Windfall. Funny to think that our current price is about the same now as it was two years ago. Though the float has doubled, the assets have increased 50 fold.

At this point I have tucked my NOT shares under my pillow. There are a lot of non-Noront related events that need to be triggered before I will see the full value for each of these shares. End of US recession, Canadian political stability, rise in commodity prices, tougher regulations on naked short selling (good to see Australia find the source of the market problems in September) are just a few. Attraction of buyers back into the market is a key one as well.

All things I have no control over.

I bought Noront because of the massive potential and then bought more because of delivered results. I hold Noront because the factors which should be cause for a massive share price increase are not in place. I will not sell. Nor do I worry myself at this point with day-to-day prices.

My mother who has never invested a penny into the stock market, a mutual fund, or even a savings bond has followed the Noront stock price since August 2007 when I told her about our holdings and the massive strike at McFaulds. Daily she checks the newspaper and has witnessed the highs into the $7 and the recent lows into the .47 cent range.

When I was recently asked by her how we were doing, I gave her the same reply I would give to anybody on here:

"It really does not matter to me what the price of Noront is at the moment. There is 20M in the bank to keep the company operational for at least a couple of years depending on the agressiveness of the drilling campaigns. The option is there for management to scale down and ride out the storm using the current cash in hand. For me, 47 cents or .80 cents makes no difference. At this point I will not be selling for under $3 at a minimum, unless I am forced to my shares due to a buy-out. Though I check the price each day, I am now emotionally detached from it all. My shares are like a 2 year GIC. I can cash them at anytime but will not see the full potential of return if I do. So I keep the shares under my pillow and wait."

Until then I keep an eye from a distance, choosing to focus more time on other areas of life at the moment until the bull market chooses to reappear.

If anyone of my regular friends wish to contact me, please feel free to PM me. It may take a few days to get back to you but I promise I will. I just do not have that much to offer the NOT board these days and do not want to keep rehashing old news. I will say though that I am still here, will be around for a long time, and wish us all better days ahead and an excellent Christmas season and better 2009.

God Bless,


But boring does not mean things are bad. Just predictable.

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