NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Drill results send share prices soaring!!!

Milsy1 - I find your post to be dismal, defeatist, discouraging and debilitating to those who read this board as investors or as potential investors. You say that "what typically transpires after Noront releases good/great news - our share price goes down."

Why would that be? The average investor says, "Wow, those were some great drill results! High grades over long lengths of valuable minerals! Wow, the company has just gained a lot more value by what they've proven to be in the ground they own!"

Those people do not think, "Wow! The company is more valuable now! That is terrible news! I'll sell my shares now at the current price, because everybody knows that when a company becomes more valuable, it is really less valuable. So, I should dump my shares at the present price, or even a lower price, before it goes a lot lower."

Like I, and many others, have been saying all along, there has been stock price manipulation by the various funds to hold the price down, so that they can make money on their short positions against the stock. But you seem to think that stock price declines are inevitable and unstoppable when news of additional fundamental value-gain from increased resources is announced.

These manipulators of our stock price have been defeated before, and we've seen huge gains that continued for days upon new of exceptional new discovery. Anyone who in not aware of this should look at a stock price chart for Noront for the last three years, and then look at the press releases that coincide for the big increases in stock price.

For example, in the fall of 2006 we went from around 20 cents up to around a dollar on news of the exceptional drill results at our Windfall property. There was manipulation aftewards, and the price dropped. But, in September of 2007, we went from around 30 cents to up over $3.00 on news of the exceptional drill results on Eagle 1. And, in the early part of this year we went from around $3.00 to up over $7.00 after news on January 28th of highest grade encountered at Eagle 1, and a succession of news releases thereafter indicating further positive drill results, further land claims being acquired, further joint venturing, etc.

And you also say that "there is not enough news that can be released to dramatically move our share price north." I think you are wrong because there are a lot of funds and investors out there that have already sold many other stocks and are sitting on cash looking for opportunities. There was a big fund manager on CNBC today who said that his fund was 50% in cash and were looking for good buys based on fundamental worth. There are others I am sure.

We've been able to overcome shorting and other forms of price manipulation in the past by news of exceptional drill results, that prove that the fundamental value of metal in the ground owned by Noront is greater than previously known.

And then you infer that to even announce that we've had some great drill results would be counterproductive when you say that "our share price [would] move up marginally but now all our cards are face up on the table and we [are] ripe for the pickin at prices far below the real potential." So now we are to be happy for the Board of Directors to keep us, and the rest of the public, in the dark about great new discoveries being made? Is this really what we want? Do we want everybody thinking "Noront is worth 50 cents" when we are really worth much more? It seems to me that the threat for a takeover at an unreasonably low price increases by not having "all the cards face up on the table". Why would a competitor bidder be incentivized to get into a bidding war with another competitor for a higher price if they thought we were worth less than what we are actually worth?

And what is the rationale for your statement that once news of some exceptional drill results came out, we would be taken over at a price "far below the real potential"? Like I said, public knowledge of additional exceptional drill results provides proof to the public (including companies that would potentially bid to take us over) that we are worth more than before those drill results became public.

I really believe that your admonition to "be careful for what you wish for" as applied to the public release of news of positive drill results is misguided, and that there is nothing to be gained by keeping it secret. True, if market conditions continue to be really bad, then there might not be much to be gained out of such positivie news (at that moment in time), but I can't see how keeping it secret will be of any help.

While I appreciate your many great contributions to this board, I think it is discouraging to investors (and potential investors who might be reading these posts) to suggest that when news of great drill results come out, the stock price l goes down, and that having the Board of Directors keep quiet about such results is in the best interest of the shareholders.

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