Here is something that will highlight how ridiculously undervalued the PM equities are. The following is a comparison for 2008 between KB Homes and Newmont mining.
If you had bought a home builder like KB homes in Jan 08 and Newmont they both would have declined around 40%!!! The product that Newmont sells, Gold, is currently down 3.6% for the year while the product that KBH sells is down 50% for the year. The product that Newmont sells is in such desperate short supply that most retail outlets have completely sold out. The product that KB homes sells is in such desperate oversupply that there is a 3 year inventory of homes for sale nationwide and nobody wants their product. House building is at the epicenter of the debt based monetary crisis, while gold is the very antithesis of the debt based monetary crisis.
Do you think mining equities could be tad bit undervalued???