There is a lot of information available if one takes the time to read between the lines.
1. The .75 warrants won't get filled. The individuals that took part in the first big financing @.50 simply aren't here anymore. Look at it from their point of view. If there were warrants issued with the latest PP, I would have expected them to spend their money there, rather than on the warrants. If the company expected or wanted the warrants to be filled they would have made some allowance for the warrant holders. The logical answer is that they would prefer the new investors to the old ones, and so are somehow contributing to the lacklustre SP. I would honestly believe that once these warrants expire, there is no reason anywhere for anyone to want to hold this SP down, and if it does not begin to rise there will only be the market to blame.
2. There is no major sitting nearby waiting for the chance to jump in at these prices as has been suggested. Until there is a proven economical resource, a major will wait it out. If said major had been interested, they would have participated in the recent PP. Typically majors are not interested in exploration. Their preference is to wait until the little guy proves it up and then buy it for what it is worth. Majors simply do not play games such as deflating the SP in order to save on cost. I would expect that most majors are fully occupied with maintaining the status quo and holding up their own SP, rather than manipulating the small guy. A major also will not be too interested until there is some consolidation among explorers. My thoughts are that when you begin to hear definate discussions of, say FWR,NOT,SPQ, and FNC, joining forces, that will signal that a major has entered the building.
Many posters (most notably Coswil) have been suggesting we are going to see a big run up starting after the new year. I fully agree also that it will be short lived, maybe until April, and then a very dry spell for 12-18 months. If the BOD felt the same way, there is a lot of logic in being slow to release information. The fact that FWR is doing the opposite also makes sense to me. If they can bring their findings up to be close to NOT's, and the market takes off they will ride the wave at least as good as NOT.
Judging from the information. I would guess that Paul took part in the recent PP??