NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Positive News/Feelings

Positive News/Feelings

posted on Jan 16, 2009 11:24AM

Hey guys and gals,

Haven't posted on here in a while, but have been reading all of your wonderful posts every single day. I personally don't have much to add, but I love reading and learning everyday from my fellow board members.

I have noticed a few things about the new NORONT (post Dick ERA)

1. BOD, management is a lot worse PR wise than Dick Nemis was. Although we don't like it, and they don't communicate much to us, if anything at all, I think they are working hard to make money for themselves and for us. If they wanted to pump and dump this company, they would of done so already. I think they know what they have and working full steam ahead in proving the SP up up and away. They are a different breed of management. Not to say that they are worse or better than Dick, but PR wise they are worse, let's hope that making us money wise they are the best!!

2. The posts on here have gotten so much better. There is no bickering, no bashers, for the most part we have good quality posts, and that's awesome. Wasting time on bull-crap is just that a waste of time, and nothing positive come's out of it. Keep up the great work - you know who you are. I still firmly believe MISFIT1 and D12 are the Kings of this board - they have the most interesting and informative posts. Not to take away from the other contributing members (QQ_Girl, coswil, jondefur, hoov, Canseco, glorieux, donypee, herbertwiebe, etc.) - you guy are amazing as well. Thank-You for taking the time and effort to contribute to this board and help me better understand how I will retire!!! :)

3. Finally, I'd liketo say that there is a positive vibe in the air. I think 2009 is the year of the RING OF FIRE. Noront can finally move ahead and not worry about fighting takeovers, and bitchy board members, but can finally prove what's in the ground. Chromite is amazingly huge as we are finding out, and to be the biggest Chromite mine in the world will surely make us lots of money. This doesn't even include the Nickel Eagles.....Just when we thought we lost part of the company with Windfall; Chromite is peeking it's beautiful ENORMOUS head in and making a statement. As Dick said, I think this will not only be huge, but enormous (Well he didn't say that verbatim, but somthing to that effect :) ). Spider had great news....The market seems to be destined for a turnaround....Even on days when the market got slaughtered we have been up in 2009. This is the year folks, I really think this will all come together this year, and Ring Of Fire will not just be a great Johnny Cash song, it'll be the biggest mining story of 2009. IMHO of course.

Peace to all, and looking forward to reading your thoughts this successful 2009


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