Mayby some answers to the hypothetical question about joining forces with Freewest can be found in the past. This past is about 4 years before the nickle discovery:
First, the 4 100 pct owned Freewest claims nrs. 3011028 & 3012251 (Black Thor Cr-deposit) & 3011027, 3012250 were recorded in the name of Richard Nemis on april 22, 2003. RN transferred 100 pct (he sold all the rights), for what ever reason, to Freewest on August 14, 2003.
Second, RN was in the early stages of the eagle 1 discovery very keen on having a deal with Mackenzie (Freewest) concerning those 4 claims (even getting them back). Mackenzie refused.
These are the facts, imo & based on the past Freewest&Noront will have no further interest for joining, but I am sure other posters will view this differently.
Btw, Richard Nemis also transferred:
- claims 3012253, 3012252 (Big daddy Cr deposit) 100 pct. to Freewest (now Freewest-Spider-KWG).
- the 4 claims 3012254, 3012255, 3012257, 3012258 100 pct. to Fancamp on July 28, 2003.