I will alternate between FWR and NOT, but I think the information from each of them is equally important to all of us, so I will post everything here and someone can transpose to FWR, please.
Don Hoy describes the ore body they are chasing as a sheet of plywood standing on it's side against a wall. We are looking at it from above and can only see the edge of that sheet. It is warped, though and width varies, hence the drilling to prove it. They originally intended for one drill to chase the chrome and the second one to look for mms. That has changed. The decision has now been made to concentrate on the chrome. He speculates that they should be able to satisfacorily drill that chrome body off over the whole 1.6 km to a depth of 200m before they run out of money and have to chase more. Once they can reasonably say it is whatever, they will pick the two best locations and drill straight down and try to see how far they can go and stay in ore. The 200 m is important as that is the limit for open pit, therefore drilling deeper has little value at first as it doesn't add immediate value to the orebody.I also gathered that the reason they decided against chasing the mms is because NOT is drilling just over the border south of AT12,so why duplicate the expense.