Interesting day and nice to meet and put a face to everyone who could attend. Okay, forgive me, as I am overwhelmed with too much information and will try to summarize what I can and you will get the rest when it is recalled.
Windfall will be on the back burner and they say it will be hard to prove up more anomalies without a ton of money being spent on it. In this time of scarce resources their decision to spend the money where it gets the best bang for the buck makes sense to me too. Joe Hamilton said that they have been approached to take it off our hands but not for any meaningful value, so they refused. That was very comforting to me, however he did say that they may JV it or sell it or just put it aside for now. He did not give it much excitement in being a huge gold find anyway, was the gist of what I gleamed from him. I know nothing about geology but visual 52oz per ton sitting all by itself seems unfathomable.
I Talked to Freewest and asked how long it took to get their assays back. Don Hoy said 3 weeks and Mac said 1 month for the chromite. Funny that we take 110 days after paying Act Labs for the good service LOL. Unfortunately Joe Hamilton got called away before I could ask that same question of him and watch the answer. Oh yes, it was one of the PR girls that snatched him away from me, the girls with the professional and sanitized responses for all queries directed to them. I need to regain my thoughts and will post them later.
Notie Girl