NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Let's get with the REALITY of NORONT ...and stop lamenting about Richard N.

Let's get with the REALITY of NORONT ...and stop lamenting about Richard N.

posted on Feb 18, 2009 04:02PM

i am really tired of most posters on this forum complaining about the NEW BOD ...as they comparing them to the past behaviour of R.N.

this has gone on for an obscene amount of time!

...and yesterday it casued shareprice to fall almost 20%

...so good: i hope all the winers finally got out of their investment with Noront leaving the rest of us to get down business.

the business of assessing the current activities OBJECTIVELY ...and not subjectively ... "according to Nemis"

i liked Richard as a person particularly ...and as a CEO ...a lot. i was dissapointed to see him go. But that's over now ...man oh man oh man ...lets get on with life pleeeeeeeese.

ANYONE tuning in now to Noront and listining to the blues on this board would be fearful.


ANYONE tuning IN now and listening to the interveiw as posted by agoracom,

...(without all of the lamenting and subjective comparisons to the past)

would be very encouraged at the following main points made by these 2 CEOs

  1. 33 million cash
  2. 19 million slated for 2009 drilling
  3. 1.5 million per month burn rate
  4. this 19m represents probably the largest exploration program in canada
  5. obective: delineate chromite for 43 101 & find more nickle/PGE'S
  6. CANNOT comment on TSX listing (against the law)
  7. working on recruiting new CEO & CFO
  8. NOT raised 10 X more money & is 12 months ahead of all ROF companies
  9. NOT the only company which has 43101 on Nickle Sulphide deposit (eag. 1)
  10. we have 2 drills @ blackbird delineating chromite
  11. we have 1 drill @ AT-12
  12. assays will eventually be reported BUT ..NOT BEFORE ALL steps in proceedure and quality control
  13. standard proceedures will prevail and this includes NO NR'S on VISUALS.
  14. geo-physicals underway ...ground & air ...@ grid 1 & 2
  15. in four weeks: geo's should be done & 2 drills should be done @ blackbird
  16. in four weeks therefore: 2 drills can be moved from blackbird to grid 1 & 2
  17. a 4th drill is on standby
  18. everything going very well ...
  19. costs have been greatly reduced
  20. windfall will require 8-12 million for more work and the desicion has been made that it would not be in shareholder interest to proceed with this kind of expenditure at this time
  21. excited about the current drill program and getting deposits substanciated.

that's it ! ...anyone tuning in to the prospects as verified above by these 2 CEO's would be greatly encouraged to invest in NOront.

FOR those of us still remaining as long term investors of Noront who are still dissatisfied i suggest 2 alternative courses of action:

1 ...sell your shares (i will buy them)

or should you like to remain a shareholder but still are concerned about the BOD:

2 ....DON'T WINE ABOUT it on this FORUM lamenting about R.N. ....RATHER do something constructive about it ....take action as i have suggested already 2 times in the past as refferenced below to 2 posts.

...its called a sharholder advocacy group and it's very effective in bringing about BOD disclosure and sharholder considerations ...such a body has special legal rights and these kinds of advocacy groups do exist in conjuntion with other companies ...they work well, as shareholders get together (in the flesh sometimes) and produce results. there is a pres. and sec. and a common set of legislated rules once the organization is formed and made legitimate.

that's it : thanks for your consideration of this (and please, at the very least stop wining about R.N. and "cursing" the present BOD as a result of differneces in operating style.

everything that this BOD has done is well with-in standard proceedures in the junior mining industry.

cheers to all ...danny

ps. excuse my spelling :)))

my past post's on forming an advocacy group:

Re: Suggestions re: Shareholders UNITE! case for "sharholders advocacy group"

posted on Feb 12, 09 09:23PM

good evening to all investors.

great to see some interest forming along concrete ACTION!

as a NOT investor for some time now i can offer my support for a uniting of shareholders to bring about necessary changes and transparency.

i was at the last AGM with my daughter ...for those who were there, we were the ones who left to allow room for "key players" to be present for voting ect (fire code was at a max.)

i am in toronto, so anyone can feel free to contact me.

last NOV. i posted the following post below suggesting an advocacy group ....perhpas now there is more interest in taking some physical action ...lets meet up to further discuss as Snuggs suggests.

LASTLY: I BELEIVE that part of the problem may surround the co-ceo Parisotto: in my own conjecture, i beleive this man is fearfull of any communication with shareholders becuase of his expearinces in working for the TSX and having witnessed possible problems that occur when being challenged by shareholders for past comments made of future plans ...it's called CEO forcasting. ....if this in fact represents some truth, i should say that it would not be acceptable reason, in any event, for a ceo remaining silent and not communicating with shareholders ...the vast majority do realize that times change quickly and plans most be continually tailored for the unpredictable world of junior exploration, especially in the present market environment.

sincerely ....danny (and excuse my spelling :))

my post from Nov:


"sharholders advocacy group" a registered association with extended rights

posted on Nov 15, 08 07:18PM

in answer to many expressing the concept of meeting with directors:

the most effective way to accomplish this is to create an advocacy group for noront shareholders ...this association would be a legal entity and registered.

according to present public company governance, such a group does recieve special status and recognition and thus is more successful in keeping current on affiars of a public company on behalf of sharholders. ....directors are compelled to meet and give creedance to this kind of official association of shareholders, which in fact has a governance of it's own, together with their own board members.

as well all shareholders are entiled to be a member and to put their names forward with applicable resume to be considered for their association's board.

anyone interested? :))) ....danny

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