Stratopod...its not golfing season... even at D12's cottage... I am sure.!
Maybe we could all join D12 at the cottage for a solid gut wrenching drunk party, fall in the snow, get cold and get brain freeze for a bit. That would make us all feel better right now. haha!!
I need a drink...damn coffee..again!!!!!!! <sigh
This was a day for venting. Maybe Monday we can start over again. Looks like my website idea didn't go over very well either. Pretty bad when one person's debate over somethng that wasn't really the purpose of the post ends up getting more votes than votes in reaction to working up a nice website. Shame!!!
Everyone..we need to have a winter golf tournament. Stratopod.....who's open this time of year again..... <sigh......I one!!!
Back to the ledgers. Reconiling payroll. Reconiling ledger. Reconciling life <oops!