For the past few days all I have done is wade through hours of posts that are counter to our well being. What happened to the fact that we all need to support each other and work to the one common goal of getting shareholder value as we so rightfully deserve? Who are we attacking? Do we know who our enemies are? Maybe it is ourselves that are our own worst enemies as we shoot ourselves in the foot. Put away the blazing guns, take your meds and please take a break to settle down before posting what you may regret. George has graciously provided us with this forum even though he is not getting paid for it. He has spent all weekend here, away from his precious time with his family on a weekend and all to support us because he has unselfish values, principles and morals that are more important than monitary gain on this issue. I for one appreciate it immensely because we need this site and please do not turn it into a SH dump. Thank you George!