It may happen that a critical mass of Cr is found long before a critical mass of Ni, with the possibility that both will ultimately be found. If that happens, development will most likely be from a non-Ni producer (CLF), with Ni by a secondary developer or as a by-product. While VALE is ideally positioned, so is CLF. Right now, VALE is a lot more interested in getting the price of Ni up than in developing a new mine. Just some thoughts. But CLF could easily leverage a toehold on one or more non-NOT players into an effective controlling position in the ROF. And, their transparency is highly respected.
As to NOT management, the silence is both deafening and a little disconcerting, indicating that they are either "up to something" slightly more than drilling or that they do not have a clear strategy. Stock action indicates the latter in my view. When I see a dog with a muzzle on, I generally assume he has bitten at least one person in the past , who could be the owner(s). If that same attitude is extended to potential strategic partners, we will definitely underperform our potential. And, a CLF could be a winner.