NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Some News

Some News

posted on Jun 26, 2009 12:03PM

White Pine Resources-Noront Resources-Golden Valley Mines Intersect Significant Zn-Cu-Ag Values in Multiple Anomalies in Their "Ring of Fire" Joint Venture

VAL-D'OR, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - June 26, 2009) - White Pine Resources (TSX 
VENTURE:WPR) ("White Pine") (formerly WSR Resources), Noront Resources (TSX 
VENTURE:NOT) ("Noront") and Golden Valley Mines (TSX VENTURE:GZZ) ("Golden 
Valley") Joint Venture Project along the "Ring of Fire" in the James Bay 
Lowlands, is pleased to report that several promising new Zn-Cu-Ag 
Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide ("VMS") discoveries were intersected in the 
recent first phase drilling program on the joint venture project. The 
following news release has been prepared by joint venture partner and 
program operator White Pine.

The Luc Bourdon and Bourdon West properties (a combined 8,944 hectares) 
were staked by Golden Valley in the fall of 2007 and the spring of 2008. 
This ground was subsequently optioned to White Pine and Noront in August 
2008, whereas White Pine and Noront could equally earn a combined undivided 
70% of the property by incurring expenditures of $5 million within 3 years 
of the agreement date.

In the fall of 2008, an airborne VTEM geophysics program was completed over 
the properties, which outlined several high priority drill targets all 
spatially associated with the 501 Zn-Cu-Ag discovery made last year by 
White Pine Resources and Metalex Ventures. Drilling recently commenced in 
late April on these geophysical anomalies with the objective to test 5 of 
the stronger VTEM targets. The program has now been completed having 
drilled 1,473m through 12 holes in 6 targets. All the targets produced 
semi-massive to massive sulphides over various widths and 5 out of the 6 
targets drilled carried significant to elevated base metal values. Four of 
the six VTEM targets tested produced significant to elevated Zn-Cu-Ag 
values, and one anomaly had anomalous Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au values. Details of the 
drill program are tabled below:


TABLE 1. Drill Hole locations in the order they were drilled.

Anomaly     Hole #      UTM n    UTM e  Azimuth    Dip    Length
G4        G4-09-01    5896483   519991      120    -50       130

 West     BW-09-01    5900243   504845        0    -50       105

G1        G1-09-01    5903947   515396      315    -50        90
G1        G1-09-02    5903947   515396      315    -80       113
G1        G1-09-03    5903944   515452      335    -50       109
G1        G1-09-04    5903902   515361      335    -50        96
G1        G1-09-05    5903902   515361      335    -75       140

G3        G3-09-01    5904665   520344        0    -50        91
G3        G3-09-02    5904665   520344        0    -75       103

G7        G7-09-01    5901645   529784        0    -90        97

G6        G6-09-01    5902070   522500      270    -50       139
G6        G6-09-02    5902070   522605      270    -50       264

TABLE 2.  Drill Assay Results.

Anomaly    Hole No.      From       To    Interval (m)   Zn%    Cu%  Ag g/t
G4        G4-09-01      92.35    94.45        2.10     0.45   0.59      4.9
G1        G1-09-01      36.90    45.60        8.70     3.73   0.90     25.7
including               36.90    42.60        5.70     5.60   0.90     34.9
G1        G1-09-02      80.30    97.40       17.10     1.70   0.36      5.4
including               80.30    85.80        5.50     5.10   0.39      5.7
G1        G1-09-03      79.30    79.75        0.45     0.85   0.15      5.3
G1        G1-09-04      70.20    71.90        1.70     1.67   0.34     11.2
G1        G1-09-05     122.00   128.60        6.60     0.78   1.29     16.8
G3        G3-09-01      56.10    68.35       12.25     0.34   0.10      5.3
G3        G3-09-02      86.45    93.60        7.15     0.83   0.13      6.1
including               86.45    89.30        2.85     1.20   0.15      6.8
G7        G7-09-01                                 NSA
G6        G6-09-01      69.10    77.80        8.70     1.40   0.10      8.7
G6        G6-09-02     189.00   199.40       10.40     1.00   0.05      5.5

Bourdon West           From    To  Interval (m)   Ni%   Cu%  Pt ppb  Pd ppb
            BW-09-01   36.3  37.2       0.9     0.23  0.10        7      40

Intervals may represent true width


The exploration program was managed by White Pine for the Joint Venture 
partners under supervision of Mike Kilbourne, P.Geo. President, White Pine 
Resources Inc. Mr. Kilbourne prepared this release and states: "White Pine 
is very excited about this potential new VMS belt. This program was 
designed and budgeted to test some of the more prominent VTEM anomalies 
spatially associated with the 501 discovery. Five of the six anomalies we 
drilled produced some very encouraging results coupled with mineralogical 
and geological indications typical of VMS deposits. These anomalies are 
spread out over many kilometres suggesting a very active VMS environment in 
an unexplored greenstone belt. The G3 anomaly alone is outlined by VTEM for 
1200m in strike length. The G6 anomaly, a very weak VTEM response, was not 
considered a primary target at all and was only drilled due to the proximal 
location (500m northeast) of the 501 discovery. There are numerous VTEM 
anomalies with the same geophysical signature as G6 in this belt that will 
need testing. This area of the Ring of Fire has the potential to develop 
into a major VMS camp."

On-site Quality Assurance/Quality Control Measures

All samples have been shipped to ACTLABS preparation laboratory in Thunder 
Bay, Ontario. Analyses will be performed in the ACTLABS laboratory in 
Ancaster, Ontario. All core samples were selected by the White Pine site 
geologist, and were cut in half by diamond core saw. Individual samples 
were labeled, placed in plastic sample bags and sealed. Groups of samples 
were then placed into durable rice bags that were secured by project 
security tags for shipping. The remaining coarse reject portions of the 
samples remain in storage at the ACTLABS preparation laboratory storage 
facility in Thunder Bay as required in the event that further work is 

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