"Just because you believe something to be true doesnt make it true."
Indeed, but the sun is bigger, hotter, etc.. This is fact and not opinion regardless of one's perspective. The market is all about perspective... and more importantly choosing the more accurate one.
"Also pointing out something small can overshadow something bigger."
You'll notice the sun is not overshadowed at all. We do not turn to darkness as the light from the sun still wraps around the moon and reaches earth. However take a look from the diametrically opposed side of the sun and the earth can never be seen. Which one truly overshadows the other? In truth Cliff's presence may be exactly as you describe by your analogy. Something observable but not terribly significant in the overall picture.
"Some of you are missing the point . A major has already bought in ."
I won't dispute there is significance in this and there will be points of interest as yet unknown. At present we just hypothesize as to how much significance there will be regarding their involvement.
I do understand your points but like all points they have their opposites for the purpose of debate. You and I are just having fun with the nuances of words and perspective. Cup half full or cup half empty.... which one is correct?