...that is was simply good judgment that motivated some here to sell?
We've all seen the graph ( I posted it the other day) of the lag in both time and share price that a mining company goes through with a new discovery. Ever think that some of the more seasoned investors got out, fully believing in the potential of the RoF, while realizing their money would be simply "parked", at a loss perhaps, until the next stage of development, at which time they had every intention of re-investing?
For the rest of us, we fell victim to the four most dangerous words in the English language, that is: "This time is different". There are many here for whom Noront was their first wildly successful investment, and they felt as though they risked "missing out" if they sold. Some simply didn't want to chance it.
Now, I can't speak for everyone, for all I know, some posters here could be part of a shadowy secret society, paid or unpaid, with ulterior motives up the ying yang. Most longs are just ordinary folks with big hopes and dreams, and varying degrees of expertise.
Playing devil's advocate here; let's assume some folks here are pumpers. At this point in time, that is a very, very, very good thing. Why? Because a pumper buys low, gets OTHERS to buy afterwards to move the price up even more. It also signals a reversal of fortunes: the stock is so ridiculously low now as to not warrant any further shorting....simply not enough risk/reward trade off at this point. In fact, those shorters with brass cojones who have held out this long from 7 bucks may well be covering now.
The thing I enjoy most about this forum, is those of us who have been here from the beginning, bringing with us our various naivetes and misconceptions, are now grizzled war veterans who will continue to build our knowledge, share it with others and that is a huge threat to the tyranny of the status quo.
I think we have to be ready for a shift in propaganda soon: it's not enough that we've had bashers for a year now, now they're trying to demonize anyone who still believes in the stock as being the " bad guy". So, not only did they want you to sell your shares on the cheap to them, they also want to discourage new investors while they scoop 'em all up. And in the meantime, distract from the truth that we most likely are very close to bottom,if not already there, so time to try to paint someone as a traitor and get the group to focus on that instead of the buying opportunity at hand ( for those with any dry powder left, sigh...not me)
Just my own, non-coerced, non-partisan, non-conspiratorial opinion.