"By that NR (Corporate) alone either we have a motherlode or this is another Bre-x fiasco."
Perhaps Don we just have 3X the original estimate of E1 and that is great but not necessarily a motherlode. I appreciate the excitement and the positive movement is long overdue, but there is still a long way to go and I find some of our posters are waxing creative with descriptive commentaries on the outcomes. One of our posters commented that he won't be caught this time again (on riding NOT down) but the emotion I see is the very stuff that caused folks to loose their focus the first time around. I expect some amazing things to come but there is no guarantee no matter how sure one feels about prospects. Look forward but not with tunnel vision. It's those that say never again that often wind up where they thought they'd never revisit. Let's get there.... where we want to be, but do it with eyes wide open and ever vigilant. May we all get what we need.