Why are you trying to imply the unlikely!
That being that this thing goes ANYWHERE near FNC.
Please note: EVERYTHING FNC and most of what NOT has ever tried doing in this area demonstrates that EAGLE 1, All of Eagle 1, meaning Lens A, Lens B, and Lens C (so far), are in fact moving Down and AWAY from FNC.
Thus, for the FNC Share Holders, it appears our Bod is helping them save themselves from their own delusions of grandeur.
Note: If FNC has anything similar to the Eagle, I predict it has to be down 4 -6 thousand meters before it crosses over onto FNC property. And that is prenised with a Big IF!!!
And thus, Why worry about what will never likely happen. That being a Buy Out of FNC by ANYONE, least Noront Resources.
Old Joe
PS Ok! those who have been paying attention from the start of this Forum know I do not make predictions, even in PM's, so give me some slack on the above prediction, Please. Hold me to it but allow the one slip!