NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Contact with Noront, concerning questions.

Contact with Noront, concerning questions.

posted on Aug 07, 2009 05:56PM

My questions to Noront were answered. First the questions:

"1. Hole 9-46/8-46 is said to have gone "beneath" 8-45/9-45, however the diagram does not show this at all, why is this? Instead we do see 8-46 above, intersecting nothing. So we have some profound mistakes in the news releases.

2. 9-45 was said to have drilled through 46.12 meters of nickel, copper sulphides including two short intervals of high-grade massive sulphides. However looking at the newest release we find now that 9-45 is only 14.62 meters. This seems like a HUGE difference, with quite big implications. Why is this ? Typo? Seems a little out of order.

3. Flow through financing. Is it true the 20 million $ will be spend before the end of this year due to tax-reasons?"

Reply from JJ which explains alot...... Enjoy. Fast reply, good PR. Wish more companies could reply this fast.

1 Discrepancies re lengths/widths reported on Visual Press Release and on the Assay Press Release:
46.12m of sulphides were encountered in hole NOT-08-045 during the drilling and core logging. The entire interval was subsequently sampled and assayed, and after receiving the assay results, a cut-off grade (of Ni) was used and the intervals chosen and composites calculated. With this cut-off grade applied, only 14.62m of material was of material interest; the remaining assays (and thus remaining portions of the sulphide interval) were below our cut-off grade and thus were deemed non-material (and thus no composites were calculated for the remaining intervals). The fact that the interval of 46.12m (from core logging) and our calculated interval of 14.62m of composites both have a 1, 2, 4, and 6 in the number is purely coincidental.

2. Distinguishing holes on the Plan Map
Hole 046 is said to have gone beneath hole 045” – this depends on the section and/or the plan view you are approaching from. Hole 046 is at a shallower angle (-50) than 045 (-60) and thus would appear to be above hole 045. However, hole 046 was drilled 50m south of hole 045, and this is why we called it ‘beneath’ We have now updated our plan map and the three holes in question are more clearly defined. The plan map should be up sometime this morning.

3. Why the drill hole collar Eastings, Northings, azimuths, and dips were not included in this table.
Please note that during the drilling process, holes can experienced a significant amount of down-hole deviation (in their azimuths and dips). As demonstrated on the current plan map (Some of the drill hole traces are curved) As such, providing the azimuth and dip of a drill hole at its collar will not give the investor an accurate reading of the actual hole trace as they would be plotted erroneously.

Furthermore, in order to get an accurate reading of the down-hole trace, we would have to provide the investor with our entire down-hole survey database, which is confidential and proprietary to company. Therefore, the collar azimuths and dips are not provided, and the investor can most accurately get a picture of the hole trace using the plan map that has been provided. Also, because we are not providing azimuths and dips, the collar Eastings and Northings were not provided, as these can be read/calculated off the plan map (with UTM grid) provided.

4. Flow Through Funds:
Funds raised through the recently announced Flow Through Financing will be used for exploration programs at McFauld’s Lake through to the end of 2010 calendar year and not to the end of this year.


Not sure its fair though that JV people are allowed to look at the downhole survey database... ?

Anyway... enjoy the weekend... next week is going to be a great week...

Peace, B

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