NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Well Orchestrated Attack? I Don't Think So

Re: Well Orchestrated Attack? I Don't Think So

posted on Aug 13, 2009 09:00AM

Here's 2 post from TCC Board!

-who could help, i need another lesson pp here

today the not share prize was under a lot of pressure.

why? second thoughts on the news of hole 49, or new non favorite rumors on new holes? couldn't find any of those....

apparently somebody mentioned to me, it might have been caused by the brokers that did the underwriting for the pp, and now shorted the stock like crazy to be able to re-negotiate another and better deal for them with the company, and buy those shares and flow throughs for less than 2,80 as already agreed on before. so if the sp declines enough compared to the 2,80 level, (don't know the exact amount here) the company might have to agree on that whether they like it or not.

let's not forget the real costs (or value?) for this pp is not 2,80/share but including flow through and the tax reduction coming just to 1,68/share for that purchase.

so with that knowledge these brokers might be right trying shorting the not sp till 1,68, because after all that is what the Noront itself in reality considers the value of a share at this moment in time- the 2,80/share is just the window dressing so to speak.the real signal the company was giving here is that they think right now the stock is worth 1,68 cad$ in real money, for those who understand. did that type of pp eventually has triggered the brokers to start shorting and see how low they could get? they have another 10 days before this pp officially has to be closed, don't they?

now why if the news is that good as all rumors would like us to believe, (step out of 350/400 still hitting mineralisation) why did noront not used another type of pp and just nailed it down while the iron is still hot so to speak?

say you charge 2,20/share and that's it. why do they need to pimp this pp up with flow through stuff etc,....and have it not nailed down immediately so that these broker houses cann't start shorting once they smell some weakness?

or why not first releasing the rumored step out holes and then have a pp written out for a higher sp based on substantional better understanding of what the potential might be here? they still have enough money in the bank to drill a couple of months more, even on those deeper holes.

so is this a classic pump and dump again like eagleII turned out to be - i still remember 'the eagle has landed nr' on that, or what?

anyhow, do i oversee something here, do i miss a point, do i misunderstand; what is going on here? is there anybody more experienced here that could give some solid answers.

not bashing,nor trying to get in cheaper, or ego stuff, just trying to understand what the market is telling me, trying to improve for the future and educate myself.

thanks in advance, appreciated roos

Re: who could help, i need another lesson pp here

1)CEO-CFO puts the word out they need financing
2) Bay street and Howe get word of it and do an organized run up on the stock
3) 3-4 bagger on news is not normal
4) They run the stock to 6 bagger on some actual news
5) They sell short the 2.50-3.00 range and are still trying to unload the 5-6 bagger they made.
The deal will be done at 2.80
What you have to appreciate is many people were sitting on this at under 80c for a longtime with no liquidity.
Some of the selected PPers are probably still short, they look at the bias of the stock, and if it is down the continue to pressure the stock. The idea is to make money on what you have now not what is coming.
Then when the stock has been exhausted. They will cover there shorts, buy longs, and announce they are going ahead with the PP. The Bulletin boards then start the buzz "man these guys really want a piece of us" to pay that much "to da moon". Stock zooms up to 2.70-80 rumors of another NR come out and these guy pocket the trade from 2.00 to 2.80

Now they are sitting with a $2.80 PP with tax writeoffs that buy the PP to $1.68, they have made a $1.00 shorting the $3.00 point, 70c longing $2.00 point, and now have shares for free

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