NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Luncheon


posted on Aug 20, 2009 05:43PM

Just got in the door from the luncheon.

Previous to the luncheon, there was a reception where all congregated before going into the ball room. As I entered the reception area, I noticed a few fellow agoracom posters and headed their way. It was nice to see Joanne speaking with the group of retail investors. Joanne disappeared for a moment and came back with Wes Hanson. After introductions, Wes spent some time speaking with us and answering a few questions. I was quite pleased with their obvious attempt to engage the retail crowd.

Just before the presentation began, Wes had a couple of thank yous to take care of. He thank Joanne for pulling together everything for the luncheon and then he thank Richard Nemis (who was present) for all that he had done for Noront Resources. He said something to the extent that we would not all be here today if it wasn't for Richard. Richard was given a lasting applause from the roughly 160 people in attendence.

With respect to the presentation itself, it was as expected in that no additional news could be disclosed. However, there was still a positive vibe. Wes at a couple of times during the presentation eluded to the potential of three world class discoveries and that he personally has never seen anything like this before. (during the question period, I asked him what his perception of world class is and his answer targeted the very high grades of each discovery. I should have been a little more persistent as I would have liked to have heard about both grades and tonnage. oh well)

It was also confirmed that at present, there are no deep drills drilling (coming for the winter drill campaign) but Wes did state that there is much to be drilled between the 300 meter and 900 meter depths. He did also confirm that the existing drills on site could drill to a depth of slightly greater than 1200 meters but it becomes increasing costly to use these drills for that depth. It was also disclosed that Noront has drilled up to hole #58. (cannot recollect if 58 is complete or being drilled).

Others will likely post their take on the luncheon and I am not going to steal all their thunder. A couple other quick points:

Our new board member, Alex Davidson was present at the luncheon.

For each attendee they provided a few freebies, namely a Noront baseball cap and a logoed eye glasses cleaner. They must have known that I was coming and wanted me to keep my rose colored NOT glasses clean. :)

Finally, on the "NOTOLOGY NEWSLETTER.AUGUST 2009. VOLUME 1" given to all attendees, it denotes that current analyst coverage is Genuity Capital with the following initiating coverage - Dundee Securities, Clarus Securities and Wellington West"

Once again, it was great to reacquaint with fellow forum members and to meet some new members as well.

Thanks for the luncheon and update Joanne and Wes.



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