NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: My take on the Luncheon.....King of the Ring...

My take on the Luncheon.....King of the Ring...

posted on Aug 21, 2009 04:31PM

Has a nice ring to it. Very nice and is a term we here have been using for a long time both on the board and in our inner thoughts regarding the Ring of Fire. In as much as we will now be officially using "King of the Ring" much more often in our speaking and key strokes we all need to keep in mind how this came to be.....of course we are King of the Ring and as the well gestured reminder from Wes said, "Thank you Richard"....that's Sir Richard. lol.

To get this out to the way, special thanks to Noront especially to Joanne et all for putting on the luncheon and a huge thank you to all posters sharing thoughts and interpretations of such with us here, the contributions are all of significance one way or the other. I am sure that as time goes by the next day or so the posters will have a few thoughts or recollections of the visual attributes of the Luncheon surface and share the additionals. Thanks Folks.

I have had the opportunity to review the MP3 of the Luncheon on the NOT website.

Like so many of the fortunate few of our fellow forum members attendies have been able to put to pen, the feeling i come away with from an audio standpoint is one of reinforced encouragement, of reasurrance, of enlightenment in the directional focus of our company with Wes at the helm,

We are in my opinion in much better hands going forward. I do have some minor concerns but will get to them later.

Correct me if i am wrong but was that not "Roos" opening up the Q&A session, very nice to here Hoov's question, not sure Wes' answer was what he was looking for or not. the other Questions came from folks i can't pin down at this time but none the less were fair questions, my take on the guy from the Northern Miner is this, does he have job today, what a dumb question, honestly, what was he thinking and just who put him up to it?? Wow is all i can say to that one..smacks of leading a newby up the garden path. Hopefully the cash in the account was worth it, kidding, lol and Good on Wes for giving the question its' due.

Wes went to John Harvey for info on the status of drilling, how many holes?? My thought on Wes' answer to the question of what hole we are on now is one of...say what, you don't want to know what hole we're on and where the drillings heading?? Ok, I understand that perhaps Wes did'nt expect to have to answer that one, to have to give out the status of drilling to date at Eagle One, one would think that this would be on of the first out of the box, as the conversation progressed I got the distinct feeling that Wes was feeling the pressure of all eyes on him and finally deferred to John, so is it just me and is my thought off base or is it a bit weird to have to go to John Harvey in front of all 172 attendies to find out what hole our drill program is on when addressing a crowd at your Sponsored luncheon showcasing Eagle One. Could just be an oversight. Enough on that, moving on.

We are now at #58 and drilling with the rigs in hand. We are being efficient with our rigs at hand or should we have, I thought we had, a deep capacity rig on hand allready being set up or was info on such just rumor? I know we will be able to get some good dip angles on lense "B" with current equipment but more than likely we will have to wait for freeze up for such drilling on lense "C", personally i don't see the purpose of delay here, but so be it, lead on Wes. Least wise the continued subverticle drilling should be more than able to define the mineralization boundries of the lenses. You can bet your bottom dollar that of the holes from 49 on most have had BHEM run on em, hence the little snowman tidbit dropped by IBK, bet Herbs just a smile like me at that. One other little tell i got in the MP3 was the "maybe 3000m" depth who knows.... just what has the deeper drilling since 49 given up anyway, one things for sure, we are still punching holes, cashed up and moving forward in the current for the time being, right direction.

Did any of the attendies spot Mr. Watson?, he was invited to the last luncheon.

Was Dr. Mungall in attendence

Nice to here of Elaine still at Richards side.

The Blackbirds, Africa, consultants, etc, etc, Micon will soon have the 43-101 out on the Chromite, in order to do this they would need to have in hand all assays pertaining to the chromite, believe "we" are still waiting on some assays. Curiously enough there has not been that many posts on the board with tonnage work ups on the chromite, believe someone said maybe 30 million tons of high grade chromite, guess time will tell. Wes' term, "Game Changer" broadly applies to all our big 3 deposits, collectively these deposits will anchor the formation of the new Mining District, the lobby group hired should have a reasonably simple task ahead of them as we have already set the table for them with our letter writing campain. The governments very aware of whats going on and i would bet that most of the in the know types within reach of the goings on are all proud eager new shareholders. Like Wes says..he's never seen in all his years such collective high grade deposits in such proximity to each other before.

As i listen on and hoped someone would press em for UTM's I soon had my relief on that one, Jeremy's most welcome to put up all his 3D stuff on the NOT website, imagine being able to watch drilling progress in real time. from proposed to spudded to assay, unreal, and most likely unheard of, a most welcome addition to the entire program, being gauranteed of a level playing field as far as drill plans etc. go is nothing short of phenomenal, wonder if this is by design or in response to SEC pressure to level the field? Either way it speaks volumns about the directional level we are headed, enter the completely interactive real time website, this will be welcomed by all investors but sure hope they invest in a server system that will be able to handle the traffic.

I am really looking forward to having Wes start up his blog, a great way to interact with your CEO. It will be a most interesting fall this time around, lots of drilling on the horizon both for this year and next. We continue to appoint the best there is to the mangement team and have production minded values locked and loaded.

The Ring will be alive this winter, the road crews are givin er', NOT is under the worlds microscope,

I am just wondering here but, while we seem to be teching up, do you suppose it would be too much to ask for an "Eagle Cam" overlooking the Eagles Nest? I volunteer to go up and set it up. lol.

From a strictly audio perspective Mr. Hanson did a very good job of MC'ing the affair in a professional informative manner. I look forward to being able to see the presentation in its entirety. Mr. Hanson made a point of once again giving Corporate recognition to the Chairman and Father of the Ring. Sir Richard. Rightly so. Being able to couple up the audio with y'alls posts has given me an overall great luncheon presentation experience.

Thanks a bunch!


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