NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Must be promotion time in the Mailroom

Must be promotion time in the Mailroom

posted on Sep 02, 2009 10:33AM

Cos’s remarks about this being just another SH board is right on the money. I for one am absolutely disgusted at the misinformation, false information, confusion and outright lies that a number of posters continue to inundate this board with. What a load of bunk.

I have added Fantomous to my post because it really (IMHO) is a great illustration of what has been going on for the last few days, months, even years. My only question is why?

We had a great board full of factual up to date DD and one by one these parasites from the mailroom have infiltrated our board driving away the quality posters we once enjoyed and learned from. Why? Why? Why?

Why on earth anyone ever listens to this dribble from these clowns instead of the facts is beyond me.

I have to wonder where these folks all go when the SP is going up or before the NR’s. They only come out right before a NR knowing they can confuse, misinform, or just plain lie about what is really going on here.

I’d give anything to have the board back that we had leading up to the proxy fight; we all stuck together and really kicked some azz, even if in the end our efforts were futile.

I do believe in conspiracy theories, if you don’t just take a look around. I believe that disrupting this board is not being done by immature uneducated morons just out to have some fun at our expense. But is more the work of an organized effort to destroy the credibility of our most respected posters in turn weakening our power and stopping the information flow to us retail investors.

The conspirators are doing a damn good job too; we have lost so many QUALITY posters and the ones that have stayed like me have seen our ratings and points go down every time we post no matter how good the information is. I was a president and after my comments about NOT putting in stops I got knocked of my pedestal and now I’m a lowly vice pres.

Just remember all of you disrupting this board with your nonsense, I WILL NOT SELL until I’m ready.

What goes around come around and I hope you all fry in the process.
Good luck getting back in at a lower price all you fools that got your stops taken out at $2.00 yesterday and again this morning at $1.80.

Stick to the facts and you’ll be just fine. Do you really believe that all of these people joined the team to lose? Look at the money being invested in the other area plays; it’s just a fraction of what NOT investing. What do you thinking these guys/girls have nothing better to do than waste millions and millions drilling holes? I think Not.

Fantomous said,

Thanks rob, for saving us all and reminding us of the risks of investing in Venture Exchange stocks.

You throw the odd statements into the discussion, some of those I would like to question: the drill results were ok, not bad but not great, and perhaps people just got tired of waiting for "the big one" that everyone is so sure is going to come any moment......remember, NOT went from $0.60 to $3 on basically no news, and we were all told "don't worry, it's coming......since then, we've had a few NR's, which apparently have not been "the one".....and after every one it's always "oh don't worry....it's coming"..."

1. If you think, the news on deep drilling with #49 were "not bad, but not great", can you show me some better results on Nickel from an explorer than this:
178.8 metres @ 1.2% Ni AND 149.5 metres @ 2.4% Ni (+ significant PGE and Cu) ?

2. Noront went from $0.60 to $ 3 on NO NEWS, right ! But what is this statement about:
we were all told "don't worry, it's coming......since then, we've had a few NR's, which apparently have not been "the one".....

One of "THE ONE" was the news on #49 and part of the reason for the increase of the share price (plus a not yet released NR on #51 (step-out?)).

You are not really blaming the share price decline on the recent Chromite NR, do you ?
Everybody knows that CR is not doing anything to the share price (yet) !
So, again, show some credibility and try to back up your statements with facts !


Lance Swago

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