Googleye, you are one fortunate individual to be able to have the birds eye view of it all. We all appreciate your great input.
It may very well be a route for an allweather road extension down to Nakina by way of more higher ground so to speak, anybody most unfortunate as to have driven into Yellowknife would know the benefit of having a high and dry road, until 2 years ago the last 80 kms wound and twisted its way around ponds, lakes and creeks sometimes only wide enough for one vehicle, since then the highways been literally blasted through the pink rock straight as an arrow and wide as the 401 in places. someone knows, we just need to find that someone. Just who's stake the claims?
I will keep checking the Ministry's website for the information of claim holder.
When will we here about Power Transmission into the area?? There's got to have been some substantial discussions regarding power and right of ways etc.
Will we have a winter road into McFaulds this post freeze up drill season?? First order of business, the big rig and Fuel Suppy.