At present really nothing to do with market cap rago 1, it is simply because the market is a little dissappointed with NOT's results and time frame of recieving these results. This will all change upon receipt of results on the next several holes. We will all find that the nickel grades will be much higher at deeper targets. Hopefully another Nickel find will also help in improving tonnage and help reastablish the markets understanding that NOT will be the next Voicey Bay discovery. Another sleeper will be the net worth of Chromium and other precious metals that we have on our property . The markets still have not waken up to this as of yet. The day however is approaching very soon. Another hang up with the market is the fact that NOT is in the middle of nowhere. When an announcement is made on the commencement of the railroad construction, the market will wake up to discover that this is all not a pipe dream. Patience to all, NOT will lead the pack thru the "Ring of Fire".
Cheers to all,