Well, I'm not a trader and also have very little knowledge of market plays. I also don't play with rediculously large amounts of money. Brokerage fees for me would not amount to too much.
What will happen now, though, from what I gather is that FWRs sp will stay at 1/4 of NOTs. If NOT goes up, so will FWR. The opposite is not necessarily true though. If FWR hits on some Nickle in the next 35 days or gets a competing offer, their sp will climb and NOTs will not. So I'm inclined to think that taking some money out of NOT and putting it into FWR is giving you slightly better odds.
BUT - to be clear - I don't know squat. I'm a simple working man. People will probably come down on me for saying this, but I have nothing to hide. In the end though, I think the ROF will be consolidated and its in the end game that we make our money.