NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Re: anything informative? Our "step-out" is actually a "step-down" - Old Joe
Oct 24, 2009 12:37AM
Oct 24, 2009 12:17PM
Oct 24, 2009 03:08PM

Oct 24, 2009 08:58PM

I expect the same, and then more, but am presently not nearly as excited about this Geological Environment as I was back in AUGUST 2007. But still very excited all the same!

As for the Pencil Shape, seeing as some excessively belover Posters around here are so over the top with reactionary emotional posting and PMing, I too am wondering why and how this description came to be the apparently so well accpted VIEW spread around this and other Forums.

WHAT Purpose was/is intended by tacking this description onto the Eagle's Nest Deposit.

Otherwise I had hoped that my post made it clear enough that the Company Geo's were now confident that these three Lenses are all very well connected as in forming ONE CONTINUOUS Deposit. The intreguing thing for me is will this all be confirmed as forming a Conduit, OR will this all be confirmed as being ONE Much Larger Lense which is the result of extrusion from a Feeder Conduit?

Wish I could read more this morning (here in Calgary) and perhaps even Post a little more on these types of interesting lines of Speculative Interest but Life Matters matter as well and thus, other matters have to be attended to.

Before I do get onto those other life matters, maybe I can encourage some of the BELOVED relatively Newer Posters AND Optimistic By Nature Posters to put aside their apparent Subtle Directed insertions of slanted content and /or over the top enthusiasm, which create bias and conjure up wonders of GREED and also often smacks of Subtle Fear promotion among many Reasonablly Analytical Readers who are able to pick up, if not only Identify inconsistencies and purposeful Bias on such things and other things to boot, and try posting in a manner that is Subjective for the betterment of ALL the readers here as well as for Investors and Potential Investors in Noront AND other Area Explorers.

For ALL Readers, just be awear that so call Objectiveness stems from Objective(s). And one's Objective(s) determines the orientation, content, and style of one's Posting.

For those Posting and reading, try not to fear Posting and reading for fear you will not be able to be virtuously unbiased with your efforts.

But all should, maybe, be VERY Carefull of your narcissistic tendencies. Be they GREAT or NOT!

Old Joe

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