NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Majors.....Confident... Agreements

Majors.....Confident... Agreements

posted on Nov 08, 2009 12:30PM

Good Morning everyone, as we sit on the edge of our seats on or off the fence watching the calendar slowly tick by here is a thought regarding the statements by posters of the possibility of a major mining corporration making a "Major" move on either NOT or FWR.

From what i understand from Sir Richard's words back in 07 ( and there was much talk about this on this board at the time) regarding the Major Miners on good old planet earth that were very interested in what he'd found at Eagle One etc, his words in a nut shell were such that there's not a "Major" out there that has not signed a "Confidentiality Agreement" with Noront Resources.

Up to today, I am curious as to what role have these agreements played in the goings on in the ring?

Have they helped or hindered the ROF progression?

Is it resonable to assume that these agreements transfer over and remain in effect to present day regardless of changes to the BOD corporate structure?

The main purpose of these agreements is to ensure that any and all information given to the interested Major is kept in hand. Of course as many have said in the past this does not happen, and in actuality this information makes the rounds across all types of desks, some even down to investment houses etc. etc. Point is that all the run ups of multiple millions of shares over multiple days in my opinion are not do to that which is perceived and theorized as leaks, no these are but the cover to cover the opportunistic buying or selling of the ROFr's thru the use of inside information gleaned by way of said confidentiallity agreements.

You can surely bet that all of the Junior golds out there that are reporting all these wonderful grams per ton intercepts have all signed confidentiality agreements with the Gold boys.

The other thing that's keeping me on the fence today is the nagging thought that Mr. Irwin (Rosseau) et all have much deeper pockets than that of Cliffs, one would think that given the Richene$$ of the 20 kms or so around Eagle One there's no way in heck these guys would walk away, give up control, for a quick double, that would make absolutely no sense from an investment frame of mind, I am sure that all the shareholders know that if played right they can realize much much more than the lowly double. No, these guys are nowhere near close to giving up control. Not in the least, imo that would be strategically tragic. These lands that hold so much "Blue Sky" by evidence presented to date by way of drilling imo are held in such regard by the powers that be to be a true Holy Grail, one has to belive, as i believe the "Boys" do, that these riches found to date are just the very beginning of of the gold leafing of the ROF.

Is it wise for NOT to be courting a major at this stage in the game? Are they courting a major?

Is it wise for FWR to be courting a major at this stage in the game? Are they courting a major?

I truly believe that NOT's controlling interests want no part of a major's interest at this point in the program, hence the pasts very real efforts at playing down the "news" fo the day, the lethargic wording of news releases etc. etc.

While Cliffs has cash, so to do our controlling interests, you can bank on that.

So, Cliffs aside we know where our access to funds will come from should the need surface to dig deep to protect the plan which the "Boys" have been implementing to date.

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