This is just a random thought but the offer from NOT is 4:1 giving a presumed monetary value of about .55 to the NOT offer right at this minute (NOT at about $2.20). The offer from Cliffs is ostensibly .70 but some are saying that the projected price for new FWR is a bit high and rather than .70, the offer from Cliffs is really about .63 ( for the sake of argument). So right at this minute the Cliffs offer is about eight cents higher than NOT's. I certainly don't consider that to be a large premium given that FWR holders would essentially lose FWR's chromium resource to Cliffs whereas with NOT, FWR holders could still participate in any increase in price for the chromium resource.
That is perhaps a long preamble to a very simple question. Many here are hoping for some blockbuster news from NOT to bolster their shareprice and thereby their bid for FWR. I have the same hope but I wonder if NOT's shareprice could be manipulated down during the time of the offer. This would have the effect of lowering NOT's offer price for FWR. NOT is a much smaller company than Cliffs; so I would think more prone to manipulation. Also Cliffs has offered .55 in Cliffs shares regardless of Cliffs share price at the time of closing.
I hope NOT doesn't lose FWR just because their shares are manipulated down. That would strike me as being dirty pool. All IMHO.