NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Re: Misifit's Midday Musing for Monday, November 30, 2009.- Crazy Horse


Not sure why I hit a nerve with you, but for the sake of my friends and reputation on here, I feel I should respond to your accusations.

1. I have never said that there was no other offer. If you go back to that post you referenced, you will see that I was talking about the press release that Noront had put out in response to the FWR response to Noront's offer. When I quote press releases, I always use quotes. The quote I used from from Wes himself, when he said "there are no other offers". So feel free to bash Wes if you must, but since I stand by him I am willing to take a bullet or two as well.

2. To make someone look like an idiot is different from someone actually being an idiot. Mac is no idiot as he was able to protect his own job, a portion of the company (the new freewest), and pocket cash outside of market trading by locking in cash for his options at historically high share prices. This takes some brilliance and back room negotiating. In exchange for this sweetheart deal, he provided millions of shares of FWR to a bidder (Cliff) while another bid (Noront) was on the table. He also guaranteed to a bidder (Cliff) a 6 million dollar termination clause should a better offer come in from another party and is accepted. Call me a FWR basher all you want, but I believe Mac is doing a good enough job on his own bashing his shareholders with these types of self serving "arrangements." If only Richard Nemis had been offered half of this when he was forced to leave.

While the FWR board was able to get a few more cents for FWR shareholders with the Cliff's deal, it was a desperation move and they looked after themselves first in my opinion.

If you are ticked off at the truth, then attack the source of that truth, this being Mac. I offer my opinions, analysis, thoughts, and at times trade feelings as part of this community. My latest comments on the NOT board are in reference to NOT's offer for FWR and the chess game being played out in front of us. Some find my posts thought provoking, supportive, and useful and others find them arrogant, self righteous, and suspect. If I did not strike a nerve at times I would likely be wasting my time on here. This company has tremendous potential but it has a wildly swinging stock price that has broken many hearts. Since 2006 fantastic news is met with downward pressure on share price to keep future private placements lower than what I believe has been true value for the longs. My posts are meant to help people view a bigger picture as well as challenge them to create exit plans for this stock, or multiple exit plans if they choose to buy and sell.

Attack me if you wish but I was the first person to post on this board back in 2007 and will likely be the last person to post when the board goes away after Noront is sold out to a major at a later date (just my humble opinion).

Thanks to Glorieux for his support today and on-going passion for all things Noront. Thanks for all the regulars for continuing to take the lead at different times in keeping this board alive.


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