NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: My scribbling notes from the conference call...

I was at work and only caught the last half, but what I did hear made me laugh a little bit.

Firstly, it stands to reason that the majority of questions and callers were people that are concerned/against the offer. It's like reading reviews of consumer products online, you know somebody that has been burned is much more likely to write and blast away than somebody that is content with their purchase.

At one point after 6-7 negative-toned questions I started to ask myself, "Why wouldn't FWR/CLF at least line up a few lacky's to call in thanking and praising the deal?" Right after I thought that the next caller did just that, and it sounded very canned. lol

The guy who concluded his offer by saying he would not tender the 11 million shares under his control had started off asking about tax consequences and the poison pill bonus money if I recall, he said he calculated that it was going to cost him personally $300,000 and asked if the BOD would back off of that.

He was answered with the company line about how they have been drastically underpaid and how for years they have put FWR interests above their own, blah blah blah and said that the compensation had the unaminous support of the BOD.

The next caller comes and says, "Underpaid? I've seen where they grant themselves and cash in LOTS of stock options" LOL

One guy asked, "What is the logic behind accepting this offer?" And the only response given was "This offer is clearly superior..." with little more. That caller hung up with his question unanswered.

The next caller got a little better answer, they said that CLF can develop because of expertise and finances whereas NOT cannot.

The standard line they gave over and over was, "We cannot comment on that, we cannot comment on this" whenever questions were raised about what CLF and NOT has put out in NRs or the media. They said they could not comment or speculate about the US economy or the potential shareprice of CLF in the US markets.....

My question is this, if you can't comment and speculate about what the deposit is going to be worth, how much the infrastructure will cost, and what the US economy and CLF's shareprice might be in the future, how in the world can you come to a decision that CLF's is a superior offer? lol

They also stated that the potential tax considerations to shareholders of either deal were not a significant in their decision making process. Really? So a 28-35% hit to my bottom line is not significant??

What a joke. I am in the same boat as Khareema, a poor decision (because of taxes) to sell out of my FWR position and buy NOT when FWR was .50 USD. I have been buying back into FWR all day today just so I can tender to NOT.

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